clastix professional services consultancy kubernetes

The Kubernetes Explorers

How to access deep expertise around Kubernetes and Cloud Native ecosystem

Friday, September 23, 2022 Adriano Pezzuto

Digital transformation is fuelling the adoption of cloud computing as well as cloud-native technologies. As container adoption goes mainstream, Kubernetes becomes the de facto orchestrator of modern workloads. It is being used across all industries today to help automate the deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications.

To capture the value of Kubernetes and Cloud Native infrastructures, CLASTIX created the Kubernetes Explorer program to guide you across the adoption of the technology with confidence. Over the years, we've seen many organizations making the same mistakes: from provisioning an unnecessary number of clusters to not providing adequate hands-on time to the engineers, and lack of security and automation. These mistakes can lead to sprawl, operational nightmares, slow upgrades, and security concerns. You can now avoid these mistakes altogether and prioritize velocity and cost savings with CLASTIX solutions and expertise.

A guided journey to Cloud Native

Along with the fast Kubernetes adoption, enterprises are quickly moving to cloud-native ecosystems due to a variety of reasons such as avoiding vendor lock-in, minimizing risks, saving cost, customizing solutions, and meeting the exact needs of development teams asking for agility and low barriers across the organization and technological silos. We are seeing more and more enterprises today running Kubernetes across multiple clouds and/or across multiple vendors or distributions. With this heterogeneous reality, building, operating and managing a Kubernetes-based container infrastructure become even more challenging. How to choose from numerous Kubernetes-related open-source technologies and commercial offerings? How to simplify day-1 deployment and get the Kubernetes API to your developers in days and not in months? How to increase the efficiency of day-2 operations by automating tasks such as upgrading, patching, and scaling? How to properly connect and monitor your entire Kubernetes footprint across clouds and distributions? Last but not the least, how to make sure your Kubernetes infrastructure and applications are secure and compliant?

The Cloud Native landscape

The cloud-native ecosystem can be complicated and confusing. Its countless open source projects are supported by the constant contributions of a vibrant community.

The Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) has a landscape map that shows the full extent of cloud-native solutions for orchestration, monitoring, management, and development, many of which are under their umbrella. As users start to approach Kubernetes and Cloud Native technologies, this variety of tools, platforms, and frameworks sounds a bit intimidating.

CLASTIX is a silver member of CNCF and it is actively engaged in contributing to community efforts and cloud-native education through training, workshops, consultancy, professional services, software development, and helping DevOps teams to build and operate their modern cloud-native infrastructures and applications with confidence.

CLASTIX is the original contributor of Capsule, and Kamaji, two open-source projects that help customers to run Kubernetes at scale with a fraction of the operational burden.

Kubernetes Explorer

The Kubernetes Explore package offers a choice of how to get started: BasicAdvanced, and Advanced+/++. The Basic package includes a predefined architecture, automated deployment, and standard training to get Kubernetes up and running quickly on the public clouds: AWS, Azure, and GCP.

The Advanced and Advanced plus packages address more sophisticated requirements, including deployments on any cloud, virtual, or bare-metal environment, and, optionally, an extended time for custom integrations and addons development to meet your special requirements.


It consists of 10 days of consultancy on a standard Kubernetes architecture, including deployment on the public cloud. It includes:

  • Reference Architecture

  • High Availability

  • Authentication and

  • Authorization

  • Policy and governance

  • Monitoring and logging

  • Lifecycle cluster management

  • Backup and recovery

  • Network CNI

  • Ingress

  • Storage for Persistent Volumes


It includes 15 days of consultancy with co-design of a tailored Kubernetes architecture and deployment across, virtual or public cloud:

  • Reference Architecture

  • High Availability

  • Authentication and

  • Authorization

  • Policy and governance

  • Multi-Tenancy

  • Security

  • Monitoring, Logging, and

  • Alerting

  • Lifecycle cluster management

  • Backup and recovery

  • Network CNI

  • Ingress

  • Load Balancer

  • Storage for Persistent Volumes

  • Infrastructure integration


For more sophisticated environments, you can access 20 days of consultancy with co-design

of a tailored Kubernetes architecture and deployment across bare metal, virtual or public cloud. Optionally, custom integrations and add-ons development:

  • Reference Architecture

  • High Availability

  • Authentication and

  • Authorization

  • Policy and governance

  • Multi-Tenancy

  • Security

  • Monitoring, Logging, and

  • Alerting

  • Lifecycle cluster management

  • Backup and recovery

  • Network CNI

  • Ingress

  • Load Balancer

  • Storage for Persistent Volumes

  • Infrastructure integration

  • GitOps Automation

  • Private Registry

Kubernetes Explorer packages are consultancy services designed to get you up and running quickly and effectively with Kubernetes and Cloud Native technologies. Unlike the do-it-yourself approach, CLASTIX helps to optimize development and operations, resulting in increased efficiency, agility, and lower costs.

Why choose CLASTIX?

  1. Simplify Choice: provide an expertly curated Cloud Native stack, including all the core elements needed to stand up and operate a modern, enterprise-grade container infrastructure based on Kubernetes.

  2. Streamline Operations: simplify Kubernetes operations by providing consistent Kubernetes deployments across on-premises, public cloud, and edge, and centrally manage Kubernetes across all the environments.

  3. Secure Environment: secure and protect deployments as modern applications and data are increasingly distributed across multiple environments. Legacy perimeter-based security is not able to deliver the fine-grain security and control needed to protect the microservices components.

CLASTIX is a proud member of CNCF, its open-source products Capsule and Kamaji are recognized by the community and they are mentioned in official Kubernetes documentation

To start your journey to the Kubernetes ecosystem with the help of Clastix engineers, book a free assessment at