kubernetes capsule update multi tenancy

Capsule v0.1.2 has been released!

Discover all the great new features of the Capsule V0.1.2 release!

Wednesday, July 27, 2022 Massimiliano Giovagnoli

We're here to announce the release of Capsule v0.1.2!


A lot of features and improvements have been included in this new version:

  • Integration and support with cert-manager (#613, #554)

  • Integration with FluxCD (#528), requires capsule-proxy v0.3.0

  • Support with GCP IAM (#583)

  • Enhanced Helm Chart documentation and generation (#592)
    Support for Kubernetes 1.24 (#590)

  • Granting PATCH rights to Tenant Owners (#582)

  • Annotation preventing accidental Tenant deletion (#563)

  • Upgrade to Go 1.18 (#543)

  • Dynamic cluster roles to Tenant owner (#524)

  • Tolerations for pre and post job hooks used by Helm (#538)


At the same time issues have been addressed during this last period and released with v0.1.2:

  • Tenant owners can edit Namespace labels or annotations although these are forbidden (#617)

  • Wrong Helm examples (#589)

  • Test fixes (#586)

  • Unrequired PATCH verb for deleter cluster-role (#587)

  • Removing unused struct memebers (#556)

  • Ensuring limit error upon Custom Resource Definitions Tenant quota (#564)

  • Idempotent Helm upgrade for the generated CA (#546)

  • Wrong CA name referenced in Helm charts (#521)

  • Validation of forbidden regex patterns (#510)

  • Sanitizing name for CRD Tenant quota (#510)

  • Installation on AWS EKS (#500)

Try it out!


You can now try Capsule v0.1.2 through 0.1.11 version of the Helm chart.

Add the repository:

helm repo add clastix https://clastix.github.io/charts

Or, update it if you already added it:

helm repo update clastix

Then, install the new specific version:

helm install capsule clastix/capsule --version 0.1.11

Container images

Docker images are hosted on both docker.io and quay.io, and can be pulled with the following commands:

  • Docker.io:

    docker pull docker.io/clastix/capsule:v0.1.2

  • Quay.io:

    docker pull quay.io/clastix/capsule:v0.1.2

What's next?

Capsule is going to consolidate APIs with a new version, both for Tenant and CapsuleConfiguration resources.


As usual, the community around Capsule is growing, many kudos to all the people using it and contributing with feature requests, bug reports, or by using it!

To the maintainers that contributed to this release, @slushysnowman, @MaxFedotov, @oliverbaehler, @fierman333, @gkarthiks, @bsctl, @viveksyngh, @TinySong, @titansmc, @pramodsetlur, cheers and thanks for your effort in shaping this new release! 🥂